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What Makes Cowboy Hats Expensive?

If you’ve every thought about buying a cowboy hat you know the prices can vary drastically. They can be cheap or quite expensive. Why such a big difference in price you ask? Quality Hat prices are mostly determined by the quality of the hats. One of the most common ways that companies determine the quality […]

Live Blog Series from Western & English Sales Association Market

Every year WESA (Western and English Sales Association) puts on a dealers market in Denver, Colorado during the month of January. This years January Market will take place the 14-17th. WESA is important because it allows us, as retailers to see what new tack and apparel is coming in 2011. Typically you’d have to wait […]

The Features of Justin’s J-Max Cowboy Workboots

We’ve all got “that one pair of boots” that sit in our closet that we know we can always count on to fit just right no matter what. Unfortunately Justin Boots came up with the game changer and created a pair of boots that rival “that one pair of boots”. Their newest line of workboots […]

Find After Christmas Specials

I’m guessing most of you have a least one gift card that is burning a whole in your pocket from Christmas this year. If you received a gift certificate from Al-Bar it’s ok to spend it now because we’re still receiving new items  each day and will do so throughout the remainder of the year. […]

What is Southern Thread?

What is Southern Thread you ask? “From the live music pouring from the 6th street clubs and taverns to the hints of roadside BBQ in the late night breeze. Southern Thread embodies the attitude and soul of the Austin experience and that experience is buried in the stitches and seams of every piece we make.” […]

Fitting your Horse’s Blanket

This post is part two of an earlier post talking about how to properly measure for a horse blanket. It was written by Christine Barakat from an old Equus Magazine. I felt that it would help everyone to understand more about how blankets should properly fit. Blanket Fitting Spot Checks When your new blanket arrives, […]

Measuring for your Horse’s Blanket

This post features an article written by Christine Barakat from an old Equus Magazine. I thought it would be a great article to share with you as winter approaches. I’ll be breaking it up into two posts. The first will show you how to measure for a blanket and the second will explain how a […]

Happy Thanksgiving & Holiday Hours!

Happy Thanksgiving! I wanted to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and hope that you enjoy the time and food with family and friends. Maybe it be a day you can remember all the things that we can and should be thankful for! Special Holiday Hours I also wanted to inform you about our Holiday […]

Does China Mean Inferior?

What is your first thought when you see or hear that a product is made in China? Take a minute and think about it . . .  Ok, times up. My first guess would be that you thought JUNK (am I right?).  We’ve all bought an item that was made in China and in turn […]